Amier Hamzah during Selangor Open 2009
Malaysia hopes of winning any medal at world age group championship ended yesterday when two of its brightest candidate succumbed to more experience opponents.Amier Hamzah lost his 11th round game to Tanuj from America.Amier Hamzah who played french defence lost in 33 moves.He will creates history for Malaysia chess if he beat his opponent and finished among top 3 winners.
Nur Nabila also played well through out the championship but losing two straight games to more experienced opponents who has better opening preparation.
Generally I think our juniors can make it at this stage as Amier and Nabila proved during this championship.I think what they need is the consistance exposure as their peers.Look at Iran who are now able to win world age group championship consistancely and that we need, and up to the MCF to chart the next course.